Howard Look is the president and CEO of Tidepool, founding the nonprofit in 2013. Prior to working on healthcare challenges at Tidepool, Howard was on the founder’s team at TiVo where, as VP of Software and User Experience, he led the efforts that made TiVo as easy to use as it was disruptive. He was also VP of Software at Pixar, where he led the team developing Pixar’s proprietary film-making system, and at Amazon where he ran a secret software project to develop devices that leverage cloud services. At Linden Lab, he led the team that delivered the open-sourced Second Life Viewer 2.0 project. In June 2015, Howard received the “White House Champions of Change Award for Precision Medicine” on behalf of Tidepool’s work. In February, 2016, he shared the stage with President Barack Obama during a panel discussion at the Precision Medicine Initiative summit.
For the press
Tidepool’s media team works with our partners and news media to make sure you have what you need to cover Tidepool’s mission to make diabetes data more accessible, actionable, and meaningful for people with diabetes, their care teams, and researchers.
If you don’t find what you need here, please reach out to us at
About Tidepool
Founded in 2013, Tidepool is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to make diabetes data more accessible, actionable, and meaningful. Tidepool creates software that connects people to the health data they want and empowers them to make better health decisions.
Tidepool’s latest effort is a project to build and support an FDA-regulated version of Loop, originally a do-it-yourself mobile app for automated insulin dosing. Tidepool Loop is being designed to connect to commercially available insulin pumps and CGMs (continuous glucose monitors) using Bluetooth wireless communication. The intention is for the app to be accessed via prescription and available for download in the iOS App Store.
Product Suite
Tidepool provides an intuitive software technology platform to upload and visualize diabetes data from different devices so that clinicians and people with diabetes can see what’s working and what isn’t, faster.

Tidepool Data Platform
An interactive web application for visualizing diabetes device data from multiple devices all in one place.
Tidepool Uploader
A universal uploader app that allows users to retrieve data from over 85 supported devices, including every brand of insulin pump and CGM available in the United States, and a variety of blood glucose meters.
Tidepool Mobile
A notes app — and companion to the Tidepool Data Platform — for iOS and Android that allows users to add context to their diabetes data.
The team
This dynamic team is fully distributed and all-remote. Tidepool boasts 56 employees, contractors, and interns spanning 14 states and 8 countries. Tidepool employees can be found in the United States, Canada, Australia, Bulgaria, Croatia, New Zealand, and Wales.
For press inquiries:
Christopher Snider
Mailing address:
555 Bryant Street #429 Palo Alto, CA 94301
Social media
Press kit

Product Screens
Find product screenshots of Tidepool, Tidepool Mobile, and Tidepool Uploader here.
Find all Tidepool logos here.

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